Introduction. This homework is intended to give you more practice with pandas and its DataFrame
data structure. It uses a dataset from Kaggle, an awesome data science website.
Instructions. Create a module named Below is the spec for 6 functions. Implement them and
upload your module to the D2L Assignments folder.
Testing. Download and auxiliary files and put them in the same folder as your
module. Run it from the command line to see your current correctness score. Each of the 6 functions is
worth 16.7% of your correctness score. You can examine the test module in a text editor to understand
better what your code should do. The test module is part of the spec. The test file we will use to grade
your program will be different and may uncover failings in your work not evident upon testing with the
provided file. Add any necessary tests to make sure your code works in all cases.
Documentation. Your module must contain a header docstring containing your name, your section
leader’s name, the date, ISTA 131 Hw6, and a brief summary of the module. Each function must
contain a docstring. Each function docstring should include a description of the function’s purpose, the
name, type, and purpose of each parameter, and the type and meaning of the function’s return value.
Grading. Your module will be graded on correctness, documentation, and coding style. Code should be
clear and concise. You will only lose style points if your code is a real mess. Include inline comments to
explain tricky lines and summarize sections of code (not necessary on this assignment).
Collaboration. Collaboration is allowed. You are responsible for your learning. Depending too much on
others will hurt you on the tests. “Helping” others too much harms them in reality. Cite any
sources/collaborators in your header docstring. Leaving this out is dishonest.
Function specifications.
csv_to_dataframe: This function takes a csv filename as an argument and returns a DataFrame.
The csv looks like this (a screenshot of part of the file):
and the frame looks like this:
Compare the Pop. Density columns in the csv and the frame. Notice that the csv uses commas as
decimal separators (European style), but the csv uses the periods you grew up with. Don’t fix this
yourself, make read_csv do it. There is an optional argument that will take care of it, you just have to
find it in the docs or by using the help function.
format_df: This function takes a countries DataFrame as created by the previous function. Those
regions look pretty nasty, so replace them with title-case versions of themselves, and with all leading
and trailing whitespace stripped. Also, the country names have trailing whitespace. Replace the index
by assigning a list of stripped country names to it. That will also get rid of the index name, Country.
Alter the frame in-place. This link will be extremely helpful. It looks better now:
growth_rate: Now we are going to work with the frame’s Birthrate and Deathrate data:
This function takes a formatted countries DataFrame. It adds a new column labeled ‘Growth
Rate’ to the frame. Each value in the ‘Growth Rate’ column is calculated by subtracting the
Deathrate for that row from the Birthrate for that row (we are ignoring the effects of migration).
Alter the argument in-place, i.e. don’t create a new frame. Here’s what the new column looks like:
Add this code to your module:
def dod(p, r):
num_yrs = 0
while p > 2:
p = p + p * r / 1000
num_yrs += 1
return num_yrs
This function takes an initial population and a growth rate (which must be negative – why?) in 1000’s of
individuals per year and returns the number of years it will take for the population of the country to go
extinct if the growth rate doesn’t change. We consider the population extinct if it is down to no more
than two individuals, but this stretches out the time considerably because of the way the math of
exponential decay works. 1,000 or 10,000 individuals would probably be more reasonable definition of
years_to_extinction: This function takes a formatted countries DataFrame that has a
Growth Rate column and adds a column labeled ‘Years to Extinction’. Initialize the values
in this column to np.nan:
Replace the NaN in the new column for every country that has a negative growth rate with the number
of years until the population is extinct:
dying_countries: This function takes a formatted countries DataFrame that has a Years to
Extinction column and returns a Series whose labels are the countries with negative growth rates
and whose values are the number of years until they’re dead in sorted order from first to last to die:
main: main creates a frame from countries_of_the_world.csv, formats the frame, adds
Growth Rate and Years to Extinction columns to it, and prints the top 5 dying countries in
this format: