1. (60 points) Written Problems
(a) (15 points) Bishop 3.3
(b) (15 points) Bishop 3.11
(c) (15 points) Bishop 3.14
(d) (15 points) Bishop 3.21
2. (120 points) Programming
(a) (60 points) Linear Regression
We are given data used in a study of the homicide rate (HOM) in Detroit, over the years
1961-1973. The following data were collected by J.C. Fisher, and used in his paper
”Homicide in Detroit: The Role of Firearms,” Criminology, vol. 14, pp. 387-400, 1976.
Each row is for a year, and each column are values of a variable.
260.35 11.0 455.5 178.15 215.98 538.1 133.9 2.98 117.18 8.60
269.80 7.0 480.2 156.41 180.48 547.6 137.6 3.09 134.02 8.90
272.04 5.2 506.1 198.02 209.57 562.8 143.6 3.23 141.68 8.52
272.96 4.3 535.8 222.10 231.67 591.0 150.3 3.33 147.98 8.89
272.51 3.5 576.0 301.92 297.65 626.1 164.3 3.46 159.85 13.07
261.34 3.2 601.7 391.22 367.62 659.8 179.5 3.60 157.19 14.57
268.89 4.1 577.3 665.56 616.54 686.2 187.5 3.73 155.29 21.36
295.99 3.9 596.9 1131.21 1029.75 699.6 195.4 2.91 131.75 28.03
319.87 3.6 613.5 837.60 786.23 729.9 210.3 4.25 178.74 31.49
341.43 7.1 569.3 794.90 713.77 757.8 223.8 4.47 178.30 37.39
356.59 8.4 548.8 817.74 750.43 755.3 227.7 5.04 209.54 46.26
376.69 7.7 563.4 583.17 1027.38 787.0 230.9 5.47 240.05 47.24
390.19 6.3 609.3 709.59 666.50 819.8 230.2 5.76 258.05 52.33
It turns out that three of the variables together are good predictors of the homicide rate:
FTP, WE, and one more variable.
Use methods described in Chapter 3 of the textbook to devise a mathematical formulation to determine the third variable. Implement your formulation and then conduct
experiments to determine the third variable. In your report, be sure to provide the
step-by-step mathematical formulation (citing Chapter 3 as needed) that corresponds
to the implementation you turn in. Also give plots and a rigorous argument to justify
the scheme you use and your conclusions.
Note: the file detroit.mat containing the data is given in this link. To load the data
into matlab workspace, use load() command. Least-squares linear regression in Matlab
can be done with the help of the backslash (\) command.
(b) [Nearest Neighbor – 60 points]
For this problem, you will be implementing the k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) classifier
and evaluating on a the Lenses and Credit Approval (CA) dataset the latter of which
describes credit worthiness data (e.g., a binary classification).1 I have split the available
data into a training set and a testing set
The first step to working with the CA dataset is to process the data. In looking at
the data description crx.names, a items of note is that there are some missing values,
there exists both numerical and categorical features, and that it is a relatively balanced
dataset (meaning a roughly equal number of positive and negative examples – not that
you should particularly care in this case, but something you should look for in general).
In typing the unix command
$ cut -f1 -d, | sort | uniq -c
10 ?
167 a
375 b
we observe that there for the first feature, there are 10 instances with a missing value,
167 instances with the value a, and 375 instances with the value b. Secondly, consider
the command
$ grep ’+$’ | cut -f1 -d, | sort | uniq -c
3 ?
81 a
168 b
In this case, we are only considering the characteristics of feature 1 for the examples
that are labeled positive.2 While there are more sophisticated (and better) methods for
imputing missing values, for this assignment, we will just use mean/median imputation.
This means that for feature 1, you should replace all of the question marks with a b as
this is the median value (regardless if you condition on the label or not). For real-valued
2Note that you will also have to do this with the testing data.
features, just replace missing values with the label-conditioned mean (i.e., µ(x1|+) for
instances labeled as positive).
The second aspect one should consider is normalizing features. Nominal features can
be left in their given form where we define the distance to be a constant value (e.g.,
1) if they are di↵erent values, and 0 if they are the same. However, it is often wise to
normalize real-valued features. For the purpose of this assignment, we will use z-scaling,
i µi
such that z
i indicates feature i for instance m (similarly x(m)
i is the raw input), µi is
the average value of feature i over all instances, and i is the corresponding standard
deviation over all instances.
i. Write down (on the written part of your solution) exactly how you imputed missing
values for each feature (i.e., replaced all missing values of feature 1 with b) for the
CA dataset. Note that you are free to impute the values using statistics over the
entire dataset (training and testing combined) or just training, but please state your
method. Create a program that can be run on the BU computing environment with
the command
which will produce two files and crx.testing.processed.
ii. Write a k-NN algorithm with L2 distance, DL2(a, b) = pP
(ai bi)2, program
that can be run with the commands
./run k lenses.testing
./run k crx.testing.processed
respectively where k is an integer indicating the k in your k-NN algorithm. The output of your program should be the testing file with an additional comma-separated
field indicating the prediction of your classifier. For example, if you labeled instance
3 of the lenses data as 2, the output would be
Note that we are defining DL2 to have a component-wise value of one for categorical
attribute-values that disagree and 0 if they do agree (as previously implied).
iii. Generate a table that reports the accuracy on both data sets for at least two di↵erent
values of k in each case. I have included a small script that you can use to calculate
the accuracy and check if your code works (the numbers are made up just for
instructional purposes).
$ ./run 1 lenses.testing | perl
3 / 6 = 0.5
iv. The code you submit must be your own. If you find/use information about specific
algorithms from the Web, etc., be sure to cite the source(s) clearly in your sourcecode. You are not allowed to submit code downloaded from the internet (obviously).