SPL 201 Assignment 4


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1 General Description
Mon Café is the largest chain and the best-known café in BGU with coffee-stands in many
major building at the campus. The chain has a large number of employees and sells varied
products. The chain also has contracts with various suppliers, who supply products for sell.
Sells and deliveries of products are registered in an activity table.
Mon Café needs your help to manage its operation by implementing a tool using Python and
2 Method and Technical Description
You will build a sqlite3 database that will hold the employee, supplier, product, coffee_stand
and activity tables.
The database filename will be moncafe.db.
You will have to implement three Python modules: initiate.py, action.py and
2.1 The Database Structure
The database moncafe.db has five tables.
 Employees: This table holds information of the employees. The columns are:
coffee_stand INTEGER REFERENCES Coffee_stand(id)
 Suppliers: This table holds information of the suppliers. The columns are:
contact_information TEXT
 Products: This table holds information of the products. The columns are:
description TEXT NOT NULL
 Coffee_stands: This table holds information of the coffee-stands. The columns are:
location TEXT NOT NULL
number_of_employees INTEGER
 Activities: This table holds information of all activities of the chain including sells and
activator_id INTEGER NOT NULL (either employee id or supplier id)
date DATE NOT NULL (a formatted string: ‘YYYYMMDD’)
2.2 initiate.py
This module builds the database and inserts the initial data from the configuration file.
When run, it will be given a configuration file as an argument.
For example: python3 initiate.py config.txt
If the database file already exists remove it.
Initiate.py should create a “fresh” database with the tables as specified, parse the
configuration file, and store the data given in the configuration file in the database
You may assume that the configuration file exists and that the syntax and the data are
2.3 action.py
This module manages the café activities, i.e. sells and delivery, in the campus. When run,
it will be given an actions file as an argument. It will perform each action by the order it
appears in the file then print the final database and exit.
You may assume that the configuration file exists and that the syntax and the data are
valid but you need to check that the quantity of the sold product is enough. If for any
reason an action may not be fulfilled do NOTHING!! (Do not print an error message, Do
not “sale” part of the quantity, etc…)
2.4 printdb.py
This module prints the database and will be used to check the correctness of your work,
therefore, you should follow the instruction to the letter!!!
1. For each table print in a new line the name of the table followed by its
records/tuples (each in a row). The tuples should be printed in an ascending order
of the primary key except for activities table in which it should be ordered by the
The printing order of the tables is also by ascending order: Activity, Coffee_stand,
Employee, Product and Supplier.
2. Print a detailed employees report with the following information:
Name, Salary, Working location, total sales income. The output should be printed
in an ascending order of the employee name. If two or more employees share the
same name their inner print order is not important. You should print each
employee in a raw using a single space between the fields.
3. Print a detailed activity report with the following information:
date of activity, item description, quantity name of seller and the name of the
supplier. If the activity is a sell the name of the supplier should be ‘None’, If the
activity is supplying the name of the seller should be ‘None’.
The tuples should be printed from the oldest to the newest. If there is no activity
do not print. You should use sql SELECT only (with ‘join’, ‘order by’ etc…) to
complete this.
1. Use the Python print() function to print your data and tuples (1,3), do not format your
output just use the default print behavior. However, If you need to print a list of
python’s objects use the __str__ function to override the default print of an object
since the default print prints only the reference.
Example: def __str__(self):
return self.name + ” ” + str(self.salary)
To print a list use the following:
def print_a_list(list):
for item in list:
2. You may add modules as you need but you may not remove or change the names
of these three modules.
3. All three modules should run as a standalone program, i.e. can be run from the
command line as the main module
We will run each of your module from the command line, for example:
> initiate configfile.txt
> printdb
> action actionfile.txt
> printdb

3 Configuration and action Files
3.1 Configuration file
Each line in the configuration file represents either an employee(E), Supplier(S),
product(P), coffee standor(C) or an activity(A).
For example:
“E, 1234, Dana, 45.5, 10” represents an employee with id 1234, named Dan with
45.5 shekel salary that is positioned at coffee stand 10.
“S, 56, Strauss, *6860 49 Hasivim St. Petach Tikva” represents a supplier with id is 56,
named Stauss and its contact information is *6860 49 Hasivim St. Petach Tikva
“P, 100, Magnum 8.5” represents a product with id 100, its description is Magnum, the
price is 8.5 shekel and the quantity is 0 by default.
“C, 10, Building 90, 2” represents coffee stand with id 10 located at Building 90
with 2 employees.
1. E, S, P and C at the beginning of each input row define record types and should
not be inserted to the database. An example of a configuration file and its
output is supplied in the assignment page.
2. Employee IDs and Supplier IDs are unique, meaning an employee ID can not
repeat itself as a supplier ID and vice versa
(Employee-IDs ꓵ Supplier-IDs = Ø).
3.2 Action file
Each line in the action file represents an activity. An activity can be either a sale or supply
arrival. When quantity < 0 it is a sale activity, when quantity > 0 it is a supply arrival,
quantity=0 is illegal. For example:
“100, 500, 56, 20200110” represents that supplier 56 supplied 500 units of product 100
on 10/jan/2020.
“100, -500, 1234, 20200110” represents that employee 1234 sold 500 units of product
100 on 10/jan/2020.
If current product quantity is less than the quantity in the sale activity the action should
be ignored. Do not print any message.
4 Development Environment
• You should use Python 3.5 and sqlite3 (they are available at the computers in the
• You can use any text editor to program the assignment, but make sure your code
works when running it from the terminal as specified.
5 Example
Here is an example. Note that you cannot assume the order the information appears in
the configuration file. You can only assume validity of each line’s syntax, and the validity
of the configuration file (no double data, coffee stands exist, no illegal products, etc.)
1. Suppose you are given the following configuration file with the filename config1:
C, 11, Bld-90, 1
C, 12, Bld-32, 2
C, 13, Bld-71, 1
S, 101, Strauss, *6860 49 Hasivim St. Petach Tikva
S, 102, Osem, 1-700-70-76-76
E, 1001, Alice, 45.5, 11
E, 1002, Bob, 45.5, 12
E, 1003, Charlie, 45.5, 12
E, 1004, Dan, 45.5, 13
P, 9001, Latte, 6.5
P, 9002, Water, 7
P, 9003, Magnum, 8.5
P, 9004, Salad, 21
P, 9005, Cafe & Mahafe, 11.5
P, 9006, Chocolate, 5
And you run “python3 initiate.py config1” then the database will look as follows:
2. “python3 printdb.py” will print the following
3. Suppose now you are given the following action file with the filename action1:
9003, 100, 101, 20200101
9006, 50, 102, 20200101
9003, -20,1003, 20200201
9003, -10, 1004, 20200301
9006, -50, 1003, 20200201
And you run “python3 action.py action1” then the database will look as follows:
4. Now “python3 printdb.py” will print the following
6 Very (!) Important Notes
1. We will test your modules together, and independently. Independently means that we
will, for example, use our own database but use your modules, or put one module of
our own and use your other module. Therefore, make sure your database has the
structure we specified exactly, and that the behavior of each module is precisely as
specified. Also, make sure that the database filename is moncafe.db. Failing to follow
these guidelines will cause tests to fail, and your grade will suffer accordingly.
2. To save you time, you may assume the validity of input. For example, an employee will
not be assigned to a non-existent coffee stand. However, you may not assume that the
quantity of a sell activity is enough.
3. We emphasize again, please make sure everything is as described, otherwise you will lose
critical points from your grade! We care about your success as much as you do. Make
sure the database filename is moncafe.db and NOT Moncafe.db and NOT moncafe.DB or
any other permutation. Make sure your table and column names are also exactly as
described. If you are not sure about something, then feel free to ask in the forum!
7 Bonus
Implement your assignment using persistence layer (DAO, DTO, Repository) as will be shown
next week (the last week of the semester) and get 20 points bonus.
8 Submission
• The submission is done in pairs only. You cannot submit in a group larger than two, or a
group smaller than two.
• You must submit one file with all your code. The file should be named id1_id2.tar.gz. This
file should include the following files:
Any extra files that you need (repository, DTOs, DAOs, etc…)