Principles of Programming Languages 202 Assignment 1


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Part 0: Preliminaries
Structure of a TypeScript Project
Every TypeScript assignment will come with two very important files:
• package.json – lists the dependencies of the project.
• tsconfig.json – specifies the TypeScript compiler options.
Before starting to work on your assignment, open a command prompt in your assignment folder and run npm
install to install the dependencies.
What happens when you run npm install and the file package.json is present in the folder is the following:
1. npm will download all required modules and their dependencies from the internet into the folder
node modules
2. A file package-lock.json is created which lists the exact version of all the packages that have been
What tsconfig.json controls is the way the TypeScript compiler (tsc) analyzes and typechecks the code
in this project. We will use for all the assignments the strongest form of type-checking, which is called the
“strict” mode of the tsc compiler.
Do not delete or change these files (e.g., install new packages or change compiler options), as we will run
your code against our own copy of those files, exactly the way we provide them.
If you change these files, your code may run on your machine but not when we test it, which may lead to a
situation where you believe your code is correct, but you would fail to pass compilation when we grade the
assignment (which means a grade of zero).
Testing Your Code
Every TypeScript assignment will have Mocha and Chai as dependencies for testing purposes. In order to
run the tests, save your tests in the test directory in a file ending with .test.ts and run npm test from a
command prompt. This will activate the execution of the tests you have specified in the test file and report
the results of the tests in a very nice format.
An example test file assignmentX.test.ts might look like this:
import { expect } from “chai”;
import { sum } from “./assignmentX”;
describe(“Assignment X”, () => {
it(“sums two numbers”, () => {
expect(sum(1, 2)).to.equal(3);
Every function you want to test must be exported, for example, in assignmentX.ts, so that it can be
imported in the .test.ts file (and by our automatic test script when we grade the assignment).
export const sum = (a: number, b: number) => a + b;
What to Submit
You should submit a zip file called .zip which has the following structure:
|- part2
|- part2.ts
|- part3
|- optional.ts
|- result.ts
Make sure that when you extract the zip (using unzip on Linux), the result is flat, i.e., not inside a folder.
This structure is crucial for us to be able to import your code to our tests.
Part 1: Theoretical Questions
Submit the solution to this part as Part1.pdf.
1. List and explain 3 dimensions of variability across programming paradigms.
2. What are the types of the following functions:
(a) (x, y) => x + y
(b) x => x[0]
(c) (x, y) => x ? y : -y
Specify the most specific type in TypeScript you can provide for each function.
3. What are “shortcut semantics”? Explain and give an example.
Part 2: Fun with TypeScript
Complete the following functions in TypeScript in the file src/part2/part2.ts. Make sure to write your
code using type annotations, and adhering to the Functional Paradigm.
Question 1
Write a generic function called partition that takes two parameters: a predicate and an array, and returns
an array of arrays: the first array consists of all elements that satisfy the predicate, and the second array of
the rest. For example:
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
console.log(partition(x => x % 2 === 0, numbers)); // => [[2, 4, 6, 8], [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]];
Note: the order of the elements matters. They will appear in the same order in the resulting arrays as they
were in the original array.
Question 2
Write a generic function called mapMat that works like map but on matrices. For example:
const mat = [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]
console.log(mapMat(x => x * x, mat)); // => [[ 1, 4, 9 ], [ 16, 25, 36 ], [ 49, 64, 81 ]]
Question 3
Write a generic function called composeMany that takes an array of n ≥ 0 functions fi
: T → T and returns
a function that is their composition. For example:
const squareAndHalf = composeMany([(x: number) => x / 2, (x: number) => x * x]);
console.log(squareAndHalf(5)); // => 12.5
const add3 = composeMany([(x: number) => x + 1, (x: number) => x + 1, (x: number) => x + 1]);
console.log(add3(5)); // => 8
Question 4
Given a Pok´edex (a database of Pok´emon of type Pokemon[]), write the following functions:
1. maxSpeed which returns an array of the Pok´emon (as in a value of the Pokemon type) with the maximum
“Speed” stat.
2. grassTypes which returns an array of the English names of all Grass type Pok´emon sorted alphabetically.
3. uniqueTypes which returns an array of all the different Pok´emon types (Grass, Fire, etc) sorted
Note: use the primitive .sort method on arrays to sort strings.
Part 3: A Fistful of Monads
“In functional programming, a monad is a design pattern that allows structuring programs generically while
automating away boilerplate code needed by the program logic. Monads achieve this by providing their own
data type (a particular type for each type of monad), which represents a specific form of computation, along
with one procedure to wrap values of any basic type within the monad (yielding a monadic value) and
another to compose functions that output monadic values (called monadic functions).” – Wikipedia
Let us look at an example of a specific monad called the Writer monad. The Writer monad encapsulates a
value and a growing log of messages that accompany each operation done on the value.
First, as the definition above tells us, a monad provides a data type. So let us define this data type:
interface Writer {
tag: “Writer”;
value: T;
log: string[];
Of course, as with any data type, we want a constructor and a type predicate:
const isWriter = (x: any): x is Writer => x.tag === “Writer”;
const makeWriter = (value: T): Writer => ({ tag: “Writer”, value: value, log: [] });
Now we will define two operations that accept a number and return a new Writer:
const square = (x: number): Writer =>
({ tag: “Writer”, value: x * x, log: [`${x} was squared`] });
const half = (x: number): Writer =>
({ tag: “Writer”, value: x / 2, log: [`${x} was halved`] });
What if we want to compose these two functions?
This is not easy to implement because half does not accept as a parameter a Writer but a number
– so that the output of square cannot be passed into half.
To enable composition of functions working with monads, and for every monad, there is a special function
called bind (sometimes called flatMap).
Given a monad M, bind’s signature is: (m: M, f: (x: T) => M) => M.
We can see that bind takes a monad of type T, extracts the value from the monad, acts on it, and returns a
new monad. Let us implement bind for our Writer:
const bind = (writer: Writer, f: (x: T) => Writer): Writer => {
const newWriter = f(writer.value);
return {
tag: “Writer”,
value: newWriter.value,
log: writer.log.concat(newWriter.log)
Let’s go over using bind step-by-step:
First, we make an instance of our Writer:
const w1 = makeWriter(5);
console.log(w1); // => { tag: ‘Writer’, value: 5, log: [] }
Then, we use bind to extract the value from the writer, and pass it to the square function, giving us a new
const w2 = bind(w1, square);
console.log(w2); // => { tag: ‘Writer’, value: 25, log: [ ‘5 was squared.’ ] }
Now, we do the same with half:
const w3 = bind(w2, half);
console.log(w3); // => { tag: ‘Writer’, value: 12.5, log: [ ‘5 was squared.’, ’25 was halved.’ ] }
If we don’t use intermediate Writers, it would look something like this:
const writer = bind(bind(makeWriter(5), square), half);
This chain should look familiar:
writer square
This tree is exactly what reduce does! So we can actually use reduce to conveniently compose these
import { reduce } from “ramda”;
const writer = makeWriter(5);
const squareAndHalved = reduce(bind, writer, [square, half]);
console.log(squareAndHalved); // => { tag: ‘Writer’,
// value: 12.5,
// log: [ ‘5 was squared.’, ’25 was halved.’ ] }
Your mission, now that you understand monads like a pro, is to implement two very well known monads:
The Optional and Result monads.
The Optional monad’s purpose is to prevent us from encountering null pointer exceptions, or the equivalent risk in TypeScript, which consists of asking the value of a field within an undefined value.
When we write a function that could return either undefined or an actual value, we can return instead an
Optional container. Optional is a disjoint union type of Some or None. For example:
const safeDiv = (x: number, y: number): Optional =>
y === 0 ? makeNone() : makeSome(x / y);
console.log(safeDiv(5, 2)); // => { tag: ‘Some’, value: 2.5 }
console.log(safeDiv(5, 0)); // => { tag: ‘None’ }
Now, if we design our functions to accept Optionals, we must check the two cases: Some or None.
Write the code to the following two questions in src/part3/optional.ts:
1. Implement the Optional disjoint union type, including constructors and type predicates.
2. Implement bind for Optional.
The Optional monad is very useful and appears in many languages such as Java, C++, Scala, Haskell, F#
and OCaml. The “problem” with Optional is that it only tells us if a value exists, or not. What if we want
to know why the computation failed? For that additional purpose, we introduce the Result monad.
The Result monad is also a disjoint union between two types: Ok and Failure. The Ok type holds a value,
and the Failure type holds a message. For example:
interface User {
name: string;
email: string;
handle: string;
const validateName = (user: User): Result => === 0 ? makeFailure(“Name cannot be blank.”) : === “Bananas” ? makeFailure(“Bananas is not a name.”) :
const user1 = { name: “Ben”, email: “”, handle: “bene” };
const user2 = { name: “Bananas”, email: “”, handle: “bene” };
console.log(validateName(user1)); // => { tag: ‘Ok’,
// value: { name: ‘Ben’,
// email: ‘’,
// handle: ‘bene’ } }
console.log(validateName(user2)); // => { tag: ‘Failure’,
// message: ‘Bananas is not a name’ }
We can see that if our computation failed, we now have a message we can convey to our users, or have a
result (in the specific case of the example, the success computation is of the same type as the input).
Write the code to the following four questions in src/part3/result.ts:
3. Implement the Result disjoint union type, including constructors and type predicates.
4. Implement bind for Result.
In the file src/part3/result.ts you are given a User interface and three validation functions. Your task
is to write a user validation function which combines these three small validation functions in two ways:
5. Write a function naiveValidateUser which takes a User and returns a Result without using
6. Write a function monadicValidateUser which takes a User and returns a Result using bind.
Good Luck and Have Fun!