
CSE 222/505 – Homework 4

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Create an interface, StackInterface and implement it with four different Stack classes as
shown below. Implement push, pop, isEmpty and size methods.
Read test.csv file which may have lines of integers, floating points, characters, or strings.
Create four different stacks (StackA, StackB, …) for each line. Create testResult_1.csv file
from your stacks adding the size of the stack as the first column of each line. (The size of
your result csv file will be x4 of the size of your input csv file.)
Write detailed analysis in your report comparing your four different stack classes.
1. Implement a myQueue class which extends KWLinkedList class (in your book).
Implement a reverse method in myQueue which reverses the queue. Do not create
any new node while reversing.
2. Write a reverseQueue method which gets a Queue as a parameter and reverses the
queue recursively.
Read test.csv file which may have lines of integers, floating points, characters, or strings.
Create testResult_2.csv file which includes the content of test.csv file with reversed lines and
reversed columns. (Use myQueue objects for all inversion operations.)
Do the same test with the reverseQueue method.
Q3 (Bonus):
Define two priorityQueue classes as shown below. Implement size, isEmpty, deleteMin
(Deletes and returns the highest priority element. Lower values have higher priority.) and
insert methods.
Read test.csv file which may have lines of integers, floating points, characters, or strings.
Create two different queues (PriorityQueueA, PriorityQueueB) for each line. Create
testResult_3.csv file from your queues. (The size of your result csv file will be x2 of the size of
your input csv file.)
– Write a different mainClass for each question. (Give proper names.)
– Create an IntelliJ project and submit only one project.
– Don’t use any other third part library
– For any question firstly use course news forum in moodle, and then the contact TA.
– You can submit assignment one day late and will be evaluated over twenty percent (%20).
– Register github student pack and create private project and upload your projects into github.
– Your appeals are considered over your github project process.
– Use given CSE222-VM to develop and test your homeworks (your code must be working on
CSE222-VM), CSE222-VM download link will be given on Moodle.
– Implement clean code standarts in your code;
o Classes, methods and variables names must be meaningful and related with the
o Your functions and classes must be simple, general, reusable and focus on one topic.
o Use standart java code name conventions.
– Add all javadoc documentations for classes, methods, variables …etc. All explanation must be
meaningful and understandable.
– You should submit your homework code, javadoc and report to Moodle in a
studentid_hw#.tar.gz file.
– Use the given homework format including selected parts:
Detailed system requirements
The Project usecase diagrams (extra points)
Class diagrams
Other diagrams
Problem solutions approach
Test cases X
Running command and results X
– No error handling : -50
– No javadoc documentation : -50
– No report : -90
– Disobey restrictions : -100
– Cheating : -200
– Your solution is evaluated over 100 as your performance.