Software Tools and Systems Programming (Computer Science 2211a) ASSIGNMENT 5


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Assignment overview
Objectives. The purpose of this assignment is to get experience with
• understand and use dynamic allocation and deallocation of memory,
• advanced data structures and ADT,
• manipulation of C pointers and C structures,
• organizing code in multiple files,
• writing Makefile to compile your code.
In this assignment, you are to write a C program to implement a dynamic memory allocation
and deallocation system using binary search trees.
Assignment basic requirements. The code should be well documented and logically
organized. The comments should be proper. Your code should be tested carefully before
submitting it. Avoid segmentation fault and memory leak.
1 Preliminaries
In this assignment, you will implement the following data structures.
Data types
This assignment need the following data types. The key type and data type are both integers
which will be used in the binary search trees and the linked lists.
The type definitions for key and data in C are the following.
typedef int Key;
typedef int Data;
You will need the following functions for data types.
typedef struct {
Key key;
Data data;
int left, right;
} Node;
typedef struct List_node {
Key key;
Data data;
struct List_node *next;
} List_node;
int key_comp(Key key1, Key key2);
int data_comp(Data data1, Data data2);
void key_print(Key key);
void data_print(Data data);
void print_node(Node node);
void print_list_node(List_node *node);
void print_node(Node node);
Print node.key and
void print_list_node(List_node *node);
Print node->key and node->data.
Binary search tree
This will be implemented with arrays and structures, the same as in assignment 4. The
only difference with assignment 4 is that the key type is an integer. This data structure will
be used to manage free memory blocks in the dynamic memory allocation and deallocation
The type definitions for binary search trees are the following:
typedef struct {
Node *tree_nodes;
unsigned int *free_nodes;
int size, top, root;
} BStree_struct;
typedef BStree_struct* BStree;
The operations for binary search trees are the following.
BStree bstree_ini(int size);
Allocate memory and set up initial values for type BStree.
void bstree_insert(BStree bst, Key key, Data data);
Insert data with key into bst. If key is in bst, then do nothing.
void bstree_traversal(BStree bst);
In order traversal of bst and print each node’s key and data.
void bstree_free(BStree bst);
Free all the dynamically allocated memory of bst.
The above four functions are also in assignment 4. Code will be given to you.
void bstree_delete(BStree bst, Key key);
Delete the node in bst with its key equals to key. If no such node in bst, do nothing.
The above function is not in assignment 4, the code will be given to you.
Data *bstree_search(BStree bst, Key key);
If key is in bst, return the address of key’s associated data. If key is not in bst, return
Key *bstree_data_search(BStree bst, Data data);
Return the address of the key of the first node, in order of the keys in bst, such that the
data of the node is greater than or equals to data If there is no such node, return NULL.
The above two functions are not in assignment 4. You will write the code.
You may want to use a helper function for insertion to create an integer to a new tree node
from key and data.
static int new_node(BStree bst, Key key, Data data);
Binary search tree insertion, traversal, free, search, data search, and deletion should be implemented using recursion. You will need to use additional helper functions for the recursion.
Binary search tree insertion, or new node(), should check the array bound.
A dynamic memory allocation and deallocation system to simulate system malloc() and free() functions
The dynamic memory allocation and deallocation system will be implemented using an
unsigned char array and a BStree.
The binary search tree will be used to store all the free memory blocks in the unsigned
char array where key is the starting index of the free block and the data is the size of the
free block. Immediately after the initialization the binary search tree contains one node with
key equals to zero and data equals to size, the size of the unsigned char array.
When a user requests n bytes, we search the binary search tree to identify a node where
the size of the corresponding block is large enough, i.e. ≥ n+4. We then delete the node
from the binary search tree. From the starting index of the block, we use 4 bytes to store n
and will return the address of the fifth byte to the user. If the block still has memory left
after we used n+4 bytes, insert a new node into the binary search tree. This way, we do
not need another data structure to store all the used blocks.
As an example, suppose that the unsigned char array is called memory and the binary
search tree is called bst. Now suppose that we have a request of 20 bytes, and the first
large enough block in memory is at index 50 with 105 bytes. This means a node in bst
with key=50 and data=105. We first delete this node from the bst, and then we use
memory[50-53] to store integer value 20 and will return &memory[54] to the user. Since
we only used 24 bytes of a block of 105 bytes, we will have 81 bytes available and the starting
index of the free block is 50+4+20=74. Therefore we insert a node to the bst with key=74
and data=81.
When a free memory request with a pointer ptr is given, with appropriate pointer casting,
we can use the four bytes starting from ptr-4 to retrieve the size of the memory allocated.
This information can be used to determine a free block and this free block can then be
inserted into the binary search tree.
The operations for the dynamic memory allocation and deallocation system are the following:
void mem_ini(unsigned int size);
Initialize an unsigned char array of size elements and initialize a binary search tree.
void mem_free();
Free memory used for the array and the binary search tree.
void *simu_malloc(unsigned int size);
Allocate size bytes and return a pointer to the first byte allocated.
void simu_free(void *ptr);
Put the allocated memory pointed by ptr back to be free memory.
void mem_print(void);
Print all the free memory blocks.
A list structure to test the dynamic memory allocation and deallocation system
In this implementation, we will use simu malloc() and simu free() instead of malloc()
and free().
The type definitions for list structure are the following:
typedef List_node *List;
The operations for list structure are the following.
List list_ini(void);
Return a pointer to a dynamically allocated and initialized List.
Data *list_search(List list, key key);
If key is in lsit, return the address of key’s associated data. If key is not in list, return
void list_add(List list, Key key, Data data);
Add key with data into the front of list. If key is in lsit, then do nothing.
void list_delete(List list, Key, key);
Delete the node in list with its key equals to key. If no such node in list, do nothing.
void list_print(List list);
Linearly traversal the list and print each node’s key and data.
void list_free(List list);
Free all the dynamically allocated memory of list.
2 Organizing the code into multiple files
For this assignment you are to organize the code in the following way:
• In the file datatype.h, define the type Data, the type Key, the type Node, the type
list node, and declare prototypes of the functions for these types.
• In the file datatype.c, implement the functions for type Data and type Key.
• In the file bstree.h, define the type BStree and declare prototypes of the operations of
• In the file bstree.c, implement the functions of BStree.
• In the file memory.h, declare prototypes of the operations on the dynamic memory
allocation and deallocation system.
• In the file memory.c, implement the functions of the dynamic memory allocation and
deallocation system.
• In the file list.h, define the type List and declare prototypes of the operations of List.
• In the file list.c, implement the functions of List.
• In the file main.c, your program will
1. read in the size of the dynamic memory allocation and deallocation system.
2. initialize the dynamic memory allocation and deallocation system.
3. initialize a linked list.
4. read from stdin, or redirect from a file, integers (one integer per line) and then
calculate occurrences of each integer read using the linked list created.
5. print the key and data in the list
6. free all allocated memory spaces for the linked list.
7. free all allocated memory spaces for the dynamic memory allocation and deallocation system.
A sample input is given below.
A sample output is given below.
integer Occurrence
3 4
2 2
4 1
1 2
3 Creating a Makefile to compile the source code
You are asked to create a Makefile to compile your source code. When “make” is typed, an
executable program called “mymemory” is generated. Typing “make clean” delete all the
files generated by “gcc”.
4 Testing your program
You should first implement functions related to type Key, Data, Node, and List node. Test
these functions to make sure they are correct.
Then implement BStree and test it to make sure it is correct before implementing the memory
allocation and deallocation system.
Then implement dynamic memory allocation and deallocation system and test it before using
it for List.
Then implement List and test it.
Your program should have no segmentation fault and no memory leak. Your program should
print all the elements correctly.
You should test your program by running it with several test cases on Gaul. Capture the
screen of your testing by using script command.
You should submit your assignment through OWL. Please check the assignment submission