In this assignment, you will implement a microshell in C/C++.
You will need to use several system calls under Linux including
fork(), pipe() and dup(). This assignment’s logic is more complex
than in the previous assignments. Please allocate sufficient time for this assignment (suggestion: multiple days).
The name of the executable file should be “Assign3”.
Your shell does the following:
— Print a prompt “480shell>” and wait for input.
— Read the input typed after the prompt.
— Execute the command typed in after the prompt and print a new
— The shell understands the commands “quit” and “q” as the special
commands to exit.
— The shell understands a special symbol “||”, by which you can
pipe the output of one command to next command. To simplify,
this assignment only requires one pipe between two commands, such
as in:
cat ourfile || sort
Please note that the standard Unix/Linux pipe is “|”, which is
different from what our microshell would understand.
Input File
A text file is needed to produce the sample output. The file name is
“ourfile”. Create a file containing 4 lines:
Sample Output
480shell>cat ourfile ||sort
480shell>more ourfile || grep DeKalb
ourfile 480sh
Background Knowledge
1. The assignment will need several system calls for process
management and IPC such as fork(), exec(), pipe(), dup(). You
need to read the Linux manual page to understand their usage. You
will use fork() to create two child processes and use pipe() with
the help of dup()/dup2() to set up the communication between the
child processes. The system call dup() is used to duplicate the
file descriptors so that you can replace the standard input or
output of a process by the file descriptors of a pipe.
2. You need to close all the unneeded file descriptors of the pipes.
You need to close the two pipe file descriptors in the parent
process, the read end of the pipe for the first child process,
and the write end of the pipe for the second child process. After
the dup() is called in each child process, you can close the
write end for the first process and the read end for the second
process since they are no longer needed.
3. You may need strtok() to parse the command line for you. Read the
manual page to understand this function. You can use other ways
to parse the line too.
4. When you use execv() or execvp(), you need to build an array of
pointers to the arguments. The last element of the array should
be (char *) NULL.
5. The parent process needs to call waitpid() to wait for the
completion of the commands.
Tackle the problem step by step:
— Make sure that your shell is taking inputs correctly.
— Next test the execution of commands without any pipe involved.
— Now you can go ahead and solve the pipe problem.
Programming Hints
How do I find the library for a system call?
Check the manual page. For example: Do “man strtok”. In the
synopsis, you will see:
If you are interested in the exact contents of the header file, you
can go to /usr/include and do “more strings.h”.
How do I structure the program?
You can start with the following example and add logic to handle pipe(), etc. And of course, you will need to define several functions due to the not-so-trivial logic.
int main(void)
char buf[1024];
pid_t pid;
int status;
printf(“%% “);
while (fgets(buf,1024,stdin) != NULL)
buf[strlen(buf) -1] = 0; //remove the last character. Important!
if ((pid = fork()) <0)
printf("fork error");
else if (pid == 0)
{ /* child */
execlp(buf, buf, (char *) 0);
printf("couldn't execute: %s", buf);
/* parent */
if ( (pid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0)) < 0)
printf("waitpid error");
printf("%% ");
How do I parse the commands?
One approach is to use strtok() which can help you parse the
commands you get from input. There are other ways such as using
c++ string functions. If you choose to use strtok(), the syntax is
char *strtok(char *s1, const char *s2);
The following is extracted from the Unix manual page. See the manual for the full description:
It can be used to break the string pointed to by s1 into a sequence of tokens, each of which is delimited by one or more characters from the string pointed to by s2.
The first call (with pointer s1 specified) returns a pointer to the first character of the first token, subsequent calls (which must be made with the first argument being a null pointer) will work through the string s1 immediately following that token. In this way subsequent calls will work through the string s1 until no tokens remain. When no token remains in s1, a null pointer is returned.
Suppose string is "abcd efgh || ijk lmn"
number =0;
command[0] = strtok(string,"||");
while((ptr = strtok(NULL, "||")) != NULL)
command[number] = ptr;
Then command[0] will contain "abcd efgh" and command[1] will contain "ijk lmn"
How do I do error handling?
You need to check the return value of a system call. For example, if the return value of -1 indicates an error, you should have a block that handles it. The simplest way to handle is to print out some error page and then exit the program.
The program should:
--- work according to the specifications
--- be comprehensible and well documented
--- check the return value of the system calls and have proper error
Submission requirement is the same as in the 1st assignment. Note that the directory must be called: "z1234567_project3_dir", all in
lowercase. Important steps are repeated below:
You will submit a compressed file through Blackboard under
"Assignments" as usual.
The compressed file contains your source code and a Makefile. It
should be named as "your-zid_A3.tar" and must be created
following the procedure described below:
1. Put all your source code files (NO OBJECT or EXECUTABLE FILES) and your Makefile in a directory called "your-zid_A3_dir".
Example: z1234567_A3_dir. Note: 'z' must be in lower case.
In your Makefile, you need to make sure your compilation produces
the executable file called "your-zid_A3". For a student with
z1234567 as her zid, the executable would be z1234567_A3.
2. In the parent directory of your-zid_A3_dir, compress this
whole subdirectory by the following command:
tar -cvvf your-zid_A3.tar your-zid_A3_dir
tar -cvvf z1234567_A3.tar z1234567_A3_dir
"your-zid_A3.tar" is now the compressed file containing the
whole subdirectory of your files. You can then transfer (e.g. using a
secure ftp client) the tar file from turing to a computer on which you can open a web browser for your final submission to the
Blackboard system.