As a warmup, you will perform small hands-on exercises to get a feel for computational
complexity and flop/s (floating-point operations per second) performance of a computer.
0. Preparation: Reading Assignment
Read the following materials to prepare yourself for the assignments, and for the entire
semester at large.
0.1. Asymptotic complexity analysis
Read a lecture note ( and
“Appendix A.2—Order Analysis of Functions” of Introduction to Parallel Computing” by
Grama et al. (page 581 of the PDF file, to which the link is found at the course homepage,, under “Textbooks” heading).
0.2. Theoretical peak performance of a computer
Read a lecture note ( to learn how to
compute the theoretical peak floating-point performance of a computer.
Now, here is the actual assignment: Submit your answers to the following two questions.
1. Measuring Computational Complexity
Use the data file, MDtime.out, in the assignment 1 package. In the two-column file, the left
column is the number of atoms, N, simulated by the md.c program, whereas the right column is
the corresponding running time, T, of the program in seconds. Make a log-log plot of T vs. N.
Perform linear fit of logT vs. logN, i.e., logT = alogN +b, where a and b are fitting parameters.
Note that the coefficient a signifies the power with which the runtime scales as a function of
problem size N: T µ Na . For detail, see slide 31 in Submit (i) the plot and (ii) your fitted value of a.
For this and subsequent assignments, you need to use a scientific plotting software like Grace,
Origin, Kaleidagraph, Gnuplot, Matlab, Mathematica and Excel. Please make sure that you are
familiar with one such software. For this assignment, you also need to use the least-square fitting
feature of your plotting software. In case you cannot find such feature, you can do it yourself
following the lecture note on “least square fit of a line” (
2. Theoretical Flop/s Performance
Suppose that your computer has only one octa-core processor (a processor equipped with 8
processing cores) operating at a clock speed of 2.3 GHz (i.e., clock ticks 2.3´109 times per second),
in which each core can operate 1 multiplication and 1 addition operations per clock cycle using a
fused multiply-add (FMA) circuit. Assume that each multiply or add operation is performed on
vector registers, each holding 4 double-precision (i.e., 4´64 = 512 bits) operands. What is the
theoretical peak performance of your computer in terms of double-precision Gflop/s (gigaflop/s
or 109 flop/s)? Submit the computed number.
(Optional) A program named lmd_sqrt_flop.c is provided in the gzipped tar archive, cs596-
as01-tar.gz, on Blackboard, along with instructions to compile and run the program in
RAEDME file.
* This is a linked-list-cell molecular dynamics program, in which sqrt() function is
implemented using a polynomial for counting the number of floating-point operations (see the
lecture note on “Arithmetic implementation of sqrt() and floating-point performance”; see Compile and run the lmd_sqrt_flop.c program on a
computer of your choice, and report the flop/s performance you get. Better, answer how many
% of the theoretical peak flop/s performance of the computer you achieved?
* To extract the files from the archive, type tar xvfz cs596-as01-tar.gz.