EE219: Assignment 1


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Q1. Write a function of the form
void printSpacedString(char str[]) { /* your code here */ }
which takes as input any C-style string (i.e. an array of char terminated with a ‘\0’ character) and prints each character in the string separated by a
space. At the end of the line, your function should then print the number of characters in the string. Test your function by calling it from main()
as printSpacedString(“Hello World!”); which should print out exactly the following
H e l l o W o r l d ! 12
Q2. Write a function of the form
int largest(int a, int b, int c, int d) { /* your code */ }
which returns one of the values a, b, c or d, whichever is the largest.
Q3. Write a function of the form
void minMax(const double arr[], const int size, double & minVal, double & maxVal) { … }
which finds the minimum and maximum values in the array arr, using the pass-by-reference parameters minVal and maxVal as the outputs from
the function. The size parameter specifies the length the array. You can test your function by putting the following code into your main() function:
double arr[] = {-4.3,7.0,10.4,3.9,1.2,9.8,11.3};
double min, max;
minMax(arr, sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]), min, max);
cout << "Q3: array min is " << min << " and max is " << max << endl; Q4. By using pass-by-reference, write a function of the form void swap( ... ) { ... } which takes two integer parameters, passed by reference, and swaps their values. For example, the following test code (written in man()) should print the line "Swapped, now a = 20 and b = 10” int a = 10; int b = 20; swap(a,b); // calling your swap function cout << "Swapped, now a = " << a << " and b = " << b << endl; Note: The standard C++ library (in the std namespace) also defines a method called swap. To avoid any conflict with your method, don't make a global directive "using namespace std;" in your file. Instead, use "using std::cout;", etc., to declare only what is needed from the std namespace. (see the notes on namespaces). Q5. Write a new version of the swap function using pointers to pass the two integers to the function (“pass-by-pointer”). Your function should work correctly when you run the following test code from main(): _EE219: Assignment 1 2/7 int c = 100; int d = 200; swap(&c,&d); cout << "Swapped, now c = " << c << " and d = " << d << endl; We can write the two functions of Q4 and Q5, both called “swap”, in the same C/C++ file and same namespace without causing any naming conflict. Why is there no conflict here? Q6. Write a method double range(double data[], int size) which returns the range of the values contained in the double array and where size specifies the size of the array passed to the function. For example, passing the array of values -1.0, 6.3, -2.5, 10.7, 8.7 (which has size 5) should return the value 13.2 (equal to the max value minus the min value in the array). Hint: Your function code can call your function from Q3 to help do this. Q7. By using the bit-wise AND operator &, write a function of the form unsigned char getLowerByte(int num) { … } which takes the positive integer value num and returns the least significant (right-most) byte of the number. Note: only one line of code is needed to implement this function. To test your function and print the value as an integer, use the following test code in your main() method: cout << "Lower byte = " << (int)getLowerByte(0xFFFFFF) << endl; Q8. By using the right bit shift operator >> and a loop, write a function of the form
unsigned short significantBits(unsigned int num) { … }
which returns the number of bits needed to represent a given decimal number num. For example, passing the decimal number 1000 to your
function should return the value 10, as the binary representation of 1000 in base 10 is equal to 1111101000 in base 2.
Q9. Write a method
bool isOrdered(int a[], int size) { … }
which checks if the elements of an array (which contains size elements) are all in order. The function returns true if all elements are all in ascending
order and returns false otherwise.
Q10. Write a method
void checkers(int N) { … }
that prints an N x N checkered pattern, as shown below. Note: you can use the special ASCII character 178 (decimal) to print one type of square
and the space character to the other. (To get a square pattern on the screen you may need to print two of each character type side by side for each
individual square).
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The pattern above is produced by calling checkers(8);
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Submitted for grading