Blocky: A Game of Falling Blocks
Your task this week is to implement a game of
falling blocks. The game is similar to some you
may have seen and played in the past, but uses
dazzling Text Graphics™!
In particular, you must write C subroutines that
perform a variety of functions for the game,
such as clearing the board, inserting pieces,
moving pieces, rotating pieces, and removing
full rows.
The objective for this week is for you to gain
experience with using multi-dimensional arrays
to represent information in C.
The screenshot above is taken from the animated version of the game, which you can play once you have
completed and debugged your code. Until that work is done, you can use the full text mode for debugging,
in which each command must be followed by the
a somewhat less enjoyable game.
In the game, pieces of various shapes appear at the top of the game board. Each piece consists of four
blocks, each represented by one ASCII character in the display. The pieces can be moved left and right,
and can be rotated clockwise and counter-clockwise. The pieces can also be moved downward.
Pieces can only move within the board, and only into empty areas. If the player attempts to move or rotate
a piece so as to make it leave the board, or so as to move the blocks in the piece over blocks left from
previous pieces (see the bottom of the board in the screenshot), the move simply fails.
If a downward move fails, the current piece is fixed in place, which is shown by the piece’s blocks changing
from asterisks (‘*’) to percent signs (‘%’). Any rows filled with old blocks are then removed from the
board, and any rows above them move downward in the board (one space per row removed, so any gaps
A new piece is then added at the top of the board, and play continues.
If the board does not have space for a new piece, the game is over.
Your program will consist of a total of three files:
mp6.h This header file provides type definitions, function declarations, and brief
descriptions of the subroutines that you must write for this assignment. You
should read through the file before you begin coding.
mp6.c The main source file for your code. A version has been provided to you with full
headers for each of your subroutines. You need merely fill in the body of each
A third file is also provided to you:
main.c A source file that interprets commands, calls your subroutines, implements some
game logic, and provides you with a few helper functions (described later). You
need not read this file, although you are welcome to do so. You may want to read
the headers of the helper functions before using them.
The Task
You must write a total of 11 C subroutines in this assignment. Don’t panic: the total amount of code needed
in my version was only 110 extra lines! I recommend implementing the functions in the order described in
this document, which allows you to perform some amount of debugging as you implement rather than trying
to debug everything at once.
Step 1: Empty the board.
Implement the C function
int32_t empty_board (space_type_t b[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH]);
in mp6.c. The function must fill the board b with SPACE_EMPTY. The height and width of the board are
given by the preprocessor constants BOARD_HEIGHT and BOARD_WIDTH. The function should return 1 on
success, or 0 on failure (which shouldn’t happen once you implement the function, but the caller does
check). After implementing the function, you can compile the program and execute it. Instead of being
told that emptying the board failed, the code should now tell you ‘good game’ and terminate (not crash—a
crash means that you have a bug!).
Step 2: Print the board.
Implement the C function
void print_board (space_type_t b[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH]);
in mp6.c. The function must print the board b to the monitor. Each index of the first array dimension (the
height) should map to a separate row on the screen, and each index of the second array dimension (the
width) should map to a separate character. How each type of space should appear on the monitor is
described in the function header in the code, and matches the illustration on the first page of this
specification. Terminate each line with a newline character (“\n”). After implementing this function, you
can compile the program and execute it. Now the program should print an empty board before terminating.
Step 3: Test and place pieces.
This step requires that you understand arrays with more than two dimensions. The shape of each piece, in
terms of its four blocks, is described by the four-dimensional array piece_def in mp6.c. Read the
description of the array in the code before you try to implement this step.
Implement the following two C functions (in order; the second will be fairly easy once you understand how
to do the first)
fit_result_t test_piece_fit
(space_type_t b[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH], piece_type_t p,
int32_t orient, int32_t x, int32_t y);
void mark_piece
(space_type_t b[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH], piece_type_t p,
int32_t orient, int32_t x, int32_t y, space_type_t v);
in mp6.c.
The function test_piece_fit checks whether a piece fits into board b. Three results (return values) are
First, if ANY block in the piece lies outside of the board, the function must return
Next, if the board space under ANY block in the piece has a value other than SPACE_EMPTY, the
function must return FIT_NO_ROOM_THERE.
Otherwise, the function must return FIT_SUCCESS.
Note that the function must not make any changes to the board, only examine the locations that the piece
described by the parameters p, orient, x, and y might occupy.
The function mark_piece marks a board with value v for each block in the piece described by the
parameters p, orient, x, and y. The function does not need to make any tests as to whether the piece fits
within the board, and can simply overwrite the current content of the board at the appropriate indices.
After implementing these two functions, you can compile the program and execute it. Now the program
should add a single piece (a horizontal line) to the top of the board, then terminate (since you have yet to
write the function to move a piece down).
Step 4: Moving pieces around
Next are five C functions corresponding to the five ways to move a piece. We suggest that you implement
and debug the first of these, which will allow pieces to fall downward in the board, before implementing
the remaining four. The structure is almost identical, so you are likely to copy any remaining bugs (and
pay for that mistake!) if you fail to debug the first function before continuing with the others.
The first C function for moves is
int32_t try_to_move_down
(space_type_t b[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH], piece_type_t p,
int32_t orient, int32_t x, int32_t y);
in mp6.c. This function attempts to move the current piece (as described by the parameters p, orient, x,
and y) downward in the board b, and returns 1 on success, and 0 on failure. On success, the piece has also
been moved (the board b has changed). On failure, the board b must not be changed.
Note that the function must assume that the piece is currently marked in the board, so the function must
remove the piece, then test that it fits in the new location, and finally add the piece back, either to the new
location or back in the old location. Two helper functions have been provided to you in main.c to simplify
your code:
void add_piece
(space_type_t b[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH], piece_type_t p,
int32_t orient, int32_t x, int32_t y);
void remove_piece
(space_type_t b[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH], piece_type_t p,
int32_t orient, int32_t x, int32_t y);
The add_piece routine adds a piece into the board b, and the remove_piece routine removes it. If you
read the implementations, you’ll notice that both simply call your mark_piece function, so any bugs are
still your responsibility. You must use these helper functions for the C functions in this step!
Once you have implemented and debugged try_to_move_down, implement the following four C
functions to try the other types of moves. The parameters, return values, and implementation strategies are
the same as for try_to_move_down.
int32_t try_to_move_left
(space_type_t b[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH], piece_type_t p,
int32_t orient, int32_t x, int32_t y);
int32_t try_to_move_right
(space_type_t b[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH], piece_type_t p,
int32_t orient, int32_t x, int32_t y);
int32_t try_to_rotate_clockwise
(space_type_t b[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH], piece_type_t p,
int32_t orient, int32_t x, int32_t y);
int32_t try_to_rotate_cc
(space_type_t b[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH], piece_type_t p,
int32_t orient, int32_t x, int32_t y);
Note that the orientation ranges from 0 to 3, with clockwise rotations corresponding to the positive direction
(mod 4) and counter-clockwise rotations corresponding to the negative direction. But you knew that already
from having read about the piece_def array in the code.
With these functions complete, the game should be almost playable. Full rows won’t go away, but
eventually you’re going to lose anyway, so why postpone the inevitable?
Step 5: Removing rows
Only one logical task remains: removing full rows from the board. However, you must implement this step
using two C functions, which helps you to separate the logic of checking for full rows from the actions
needed to remove a single row.
The two C functions that you must implement are the following:
void remove_row (space_type_t b[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH], int row);
void remove_full_rows (space_type_t b[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH]);
The remove_row function removes a single row with index given by parameter row. Rows above the
specified row are copied downward (towards higher index values), and row 0 is filled with SPACE_EMPTY.
Be sure that your loop goes in the right direction.
The remove_full_rows function checks for any rows in board b filled with SPACE_FULL and calls
remove_row on those rows. Remember that remove_row changes the board, so you may need to recheck the same row number after removing a row, depending on how you perform your checking.
Be sure that you have read the type definitions, function headers, and other information in the code before
you begin coding.
Your code must be written in C and must be contained in a file named mp6.c. We will NOT grade
files with any other name. You may not make changes to other files except for debugging
purposes. Track any such changes with care, and make sure to test without them. If your code
does not work properly without such changes, you are likely to receive 0 credit.
You must implement the empty_board , print_board, test_piece_fit, mark_piece,
try_to_move_down, try_to_move_left, try_to_move_right,
try_to_rotate_clockwise, try_to_rotate_cc, remove_row, and remove_full_rows
functions correctly.
You may NOT make any assumptions about the values of preprocessor constants or type
definitions. You MUST use their symbolic names for full credit. We may choose to test your code
with modified versions of mp6.h.
You may assume that all parameter values are valid when your functions are called, provided that
you also pass only valid parameters to functions that you call (such as the helper functions
add_piece and remove_piece, as well as remove_row). In particular,
o board arguments will point to board arrays,
o piece types will be between 0 and NUM_PIECE_TYPES – 1 (inclusive), and
o orientations will be between 0 and 3 (note that you may pollute these values if you call
add_piece with a bad orientation, for example).
Your routine’s return values and outputs must be correct.
Your code must be well-commented. Follow the commenting style of the code examples provided
in class and in the textbook.
Compiling and Executing Your Program
When you are ready to compile, type:
gcc -g -Wall main.c mp6.c -o blocky
As mentioned in MP1, the “-g” argument tells the compiler to include debugging information so that you
can use gdb to find your bugs (you will have some).
The “-Wall” argument tells the compiler to give you warning messages for any code that it thinks likely
to be a bug. Track down and fix all such issues, as they are usually bugs. Also note that if your code
generates any warnings, you will lose points.
The “-o blocky” argument tells the compiler to name the resulting program “blocky”. If compilation
succeeds, you can then execute the program by typing, “./blocky” (no quotes).
Debugging Tip
You may wish to reduce the board size by changing the preprocessor constants in mp6.h. A smaller board
can make it easier to fully test your code without needless keystrokes. However, be sure to return to the
original board size and test again before turning in your code.
Time for Fun!
Once your code is fully working and debugged—we strongly advise against trying to debug in graphics
mode!—you may want to try a more challenging game by turning on the graphics mode. In mp6.h, change
the preprocessor constant USE_NCURSES from 0 to 1. Then re-compile with “-l ncurses” added to the
end of the compile line (that’s a lower case L for “library”). Time how long you can last and compete with
your friends! For a more serious challenge, find the call to halfdelay (5) in main.c and change the 5
to a 2, or a 1 if you dare.
Grading Rubric
Functionality (60%)
5% – empty_board function works correctly
5% – print_board function works correctly
10% – test_piece_fit function works correctly
5% – mark_piece function works correctly
5% – try_to_move_down function works correctly
5% – try_to_move_left function works correctly
5% – try_to_move_right function works correctly
5% – try_to_rotate_clockwise function works correctly
5% – try_to_rotate_cc function works correctly
5% – remove_row function works correctly
5% – remove_full_rows function works correctly
Style (25%)
10% – test_piece_fit and mark_piece functions use loops to walk over blocks in a piece
5% – try_to_move_* and try_to_rotate_* functions use the helper functions add_piece
and remove_piece
10% – remove_full_rows function walks over the rows in the board exactly once
Comments, Clarity, and Write-up (15%)
5% – introductory paragraph explaining what you did (even if it’s just the required work)
10% – code is clear and well-commented, and compilation generates no warnings (note: any
warning means 0 points here)
Note that some categories in the rubric may depend on other categories and/or criteria. For example, if you
code does not compile, you will receive no functionality points.
For remove_full_rows, you may choose to implement a more efficient version that incorporates
remove_row directly, but, for full credit, (1) you must still write remove_row, and (2) your
remove_full_rows may only walk over the rows once.